Next brown the lamb over a medium to high heat. You may need to do this in batches, if so remove the browned lamb to the mixing bowl as necessary until all the lamb is done.
If necessary deglaze the pot with a little red wine at this stage (remove all the lamb first).
Return everything from the mixing bowl to the pot and add the tins of chopped tomatos and the tomato puree.
Add about a teaspoon of mixed herbs and dried basil then season well with freshly ground black pepper.
Now mix everything well to ensure the ingredients are evenly distributed and turn the heat down to the minimum.
Remove the oregano leaves from the stalks and discard the stalks. Chop roughly and add to the pot.
Remove the fresh basil leaves from the stalks and discard the stalks. Chop roughly and add to the pot.
Add two glasses of red wine.
Leave to simmer on a low heat for at least half an hour but ideally and hour to an hour and a half.
The sauce is now ready to eat
The final stage is to let it cool a little and then put in a blender and whizz to make it more palatable for young ones. Depending on the age you're aiming at whizz more for a fine sauce for little ones or whizz less to leave more interesting textures as they get older.

The finished dish in a le creuset pan

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