For work the other day I needed to set up an Apache running locally utilising SSL so I could test requests over https. The steps I used were as follows... First create a backup of the existing Apache server directoyr, you will need the custom changes in httpd.conf and possibly elsewhere later in the process. Uninstall the existing Apache server. Delete the server directory (this is to ensure the new installation works without problems). download and install Apache server from here Next I used the backed up copy of httpd.conf to make my customised changed to httpd.conf i.e. For mod_jk

	# JK worker called myworker in
	JkMount /* myworker
	Include "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/mod_jk.conf"

Copy from the backup to /modules Copy and mod_jk.conf from the backup to /conf Now to enable SSL we need to ensure that LoadModule ssl_module modules/ is uncommented

	#LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
	LoadModule userdir_module modules/
	#LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
	#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
	LoadModule ssl_module modules/

Create a directory called ssl under conf i.e. conf/ssl Copy the ssl.conf file here and make a copy/backup of the original. Edit ssl.conf to make sure the "DocumentRoot" and <Directory> attributes are the same as in httpd.conf . Finally in httpd.conf make sure that ssl.conf is correctly referenced i.e.

	# Bring in additional module-specific configurations
	<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
	    Include conf/ssl/ssl.conf